Acupuncture On The Upper East Side - One Year In
One Year In...
Today is one year since I have taken over the Acupuncture practice at 12 E. 86th and what a year it has been. I have loved getting to know you and celebrating less pain, healthy pregnancies, improved mobility, less swelling, fewer allergy symptoms, more sleep, and all around better lifestyles with you all.
I have found that my use of western orthopedic assessment and treatment is a successful way to begin the road to a pain free life, while the eastern concepts and treatment styles help uncover and resolve the root of the imbalance. It has been a joy to see the completion of that journey, and given me resolve with those who are still mid-journey. I’m grateful for your trust and humbled to be of help to you all. I’m also grateful to those of you who took the time to write me a review on google, if anyone is interested, they can be found most easily if you look me up on Google Maps.
As a reminder to those reading who have not yet been in, or who may know someone in pain: I specialize in orthopedic pain relief, as well as pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue etc. If you or a loved one suffer, please feel free to reach out for a consultation to see if this medicine is right for you.
Field Trip!
Last week was field trip week and a few of us went to Chinatown to the Museum of Chinese in America where the brilliant curator, Donna Mah, gave us a tour of the Chinese medicine exhibit. Those that came found it really interesting. Thank you Donna for that treat! As a reminder, the exhibit runs until September 9th.
Natural Bug Repellent
I’m also pleased to report that the reviews are in and my Urban Bug Spray is a big hit and patients have overwhelmingly reported that they’ve been hiking, wandered the city, attended barbecues with no bug bites. A new batch with new labels will be available later in the month.
Vacation Time
I will be out of the office next week for the holiday, returning on Monday the 9th. Of course it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t end my holiday at another seminar expanding my knowledge and treatment of Gastrointestinal disorders. The remaining weeks in July are mostly full, so if you would like to get those muscles relaxed and reduce pain in time for August vacations, (or if you need a break now that the kids are home all day) book your appointment online or send me an email to get started.
Have a wonderful holiday and start to summer!
PS: as a reminder, the San Fu moxibustion days start on July 17, if you want to come in to have it applied, please make an appointment ahead of time so I can order enough supplies for you. As a reminder of what it is and why you should do it, see previous blog post, Dog Days of Summer
As always, you can follow me on social media at the following: on Instagram I am ab_acupuncture_nyc My Facebook page is AB Acupuncture – Annalisa Brown, L.Ac as well as Twitter (@ABacuNYC) or LinkedIn under my name. Please like/follow my pages if you are on social media so I can spread the word locally.